Karl Holmovist: What's My Name (Book Works, 2009)
Karl Holmovist: What's My Name (Book Works, 2009)
128 pages
24 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978 1 906012 18 2
"Inspired by T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Karl Holmqvist uses a writing method mainly based on quotes, which now includes a diverse range of sources, from beat and concrete poetry, to cut-up lines from films and popular songs – often quoted in their entirety. When performed live as spoken word readings by the artist, the use of reversals, word games, and not least endless repetition, reveals a liberating intent – for both writer and listener, and also for language itself, forcing an escape from the demands of linearity and constraining grammatical correctness thats usually imposed on it.
What’s My Name? contains a selection of work from the last twenty years amounting to sixty-six poems, some short artist’s texts and a few decorative doodles."
Published by Book Works and Hollybush Gardens.